Sales department
quality control

We monitor work in CRM, listen to calls, show a full picture of the work of your sales department, prepare proposals for improvement

Контекстная реклама PPC в поисковых сетях. Цена на контекстную рекламу: анализ, настройка, ведение, аналитика – Brutal Marketing

Leads coming in steadily, but sales plans are still not being met?

Why does this happen?
  • Mistakes made when managing CRM
    Managers forget to use CRM or make mistakes: they create deals without tasks, do not fill out cards completely, overdue tasks accumulate, etc.
  • The staff provides advice, but does not lead to sales
    Employees act in “consultant mode”: they answer customer questions, talk about the product or service, but do not work through objections, do not lead the client to a purchase, and do not plan further steps in the transaction.
  • Managers take a long time to respond to requests
    Each application is a potential client. However, high workload, insufficiently clear instructions for working with applications and lack of automation prevent managers from closing deals on time, when the client is most loyal and interested.
  • Managers do not adhere to scripts in their work
    Managers forget to introduce themselves, fail to identify the client's needs and lose the initiative in the conversation.
  • No analytics in the CRM, and reports have to be collected manually
    Without analytics, it is impossible to track what happens to deals at different stages. For example, at what stage do clients most often "fall off," how often this happens and for which manager. When sales reports are collected manually, managers waste a lot of time collecting data and checking its accuracy.
  • Managers don't handle objections

    High-quality applications often end up in the funnel next to unsuccessful deals, which happens because managers do not pay due attention to working through customer objections.
  • The client stops communicating after receiving a commercial
    When a client studies a commercial proposal without the help of a manager who can convey the value of the product and explain what he is paying for, he may be frightened by the high cost and unclear points in the document, which will lead to him stopping to respond and get in touch.
  • The company did not pay due attention to the correct CRM
    Incorrect names of stages in the sales funnel, chaos in deals, overdue tasks and other mistakes in working with CRM only contribute to the loss of leads and a decrease in sales, which can ultimately lead to the collapse of the company. CRM should be primarily a tool for increasing sales and business development, and not the other way around.
  • Managers lose clients when they can't reach them by phone or call them back
    The client left a request or asked to call back, but the manager cannot reach him by phone or write. For various reasons, instead of trying to contact him later, he immediately puts the deal in the status "Closed, not implemented". As a result, a quality deal is lost, and the KPI significantly worsens.

How can we help you?

We take into account every detail, so the process is divided into several stages
We conduct an audit of the sales department
Let's analyze the work of managers. Let's create criteria for evaluating calls and work in CRM.
We analyze calls and explain what went wrong
We listen to managers’ conversations, and if we identify problematic calls, we notify them and return the deal to work in order to promptly correct errors and save the client.
We control work in CRM
We check the correctness of transactions in the CRM system: whether the tasks for the transactions are set, whether the call result is recorded, whether the necessary documents are sent to the client, etc. We also analyze unsuccessful transactions to identify cases of "draining" clients without justified reasons.
Reports and recommendations
We create visual reports with metrics that impact sales team conversion so you can develop sales based on real metrics, not gut instinct.
We provide a list of recommendations for review. You can implement the recommendations yourself or with our help.
Following the discussion, we propose implementing tools that will benefit your sales department.

We have been cooperating with many clients for over 5 years. We build working business models that bring profit to our clients. Our goal is mutually beneficial long-term relationships.

What you get as a result of the work:

  • Current state of the sales department
    We provide a clear report with tracking of the dynamics of the sales department and metrics on the quality of transactions. Such an audit will help to identify "bottlenecks" that prevent the achievement of sales plans.
  • List of recommendations
    A ready-made roadmap with tools to help your sales team achieve their goals.

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